Fiche descriptive
The Translation of Suspense in Subtitling : A Case Study of the Horror Franchise "Scream"
(Document en Anglais)
- Auteur(s)
- Chammard Robin
- Année de soutenance
- 2024
- Directeur(s)
- Lefebvre-Scodeller Cindy
- Diplôme
- Master - 1ère année
- Mention
- Langues et Sociétés
- Parcours-type
- Identité et Transferts culturels – Anglais
- Composante
- Université de Limoges. Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines
- Thème(s)
- Histoire et critique littéraires, rhétorique
- Mots-clés
- Films d'horreur -- États-Unis -- Sous-titrage,
- Médias audiovisuels -- Traduction,
- Sous-titrage -- Traduction
What is a great horror movie without the watchers biting their nails or covering their eyes? Horror movies have always been overlooked for their explicit representations of primal emotions whereas they often hide much more complex meanings. All these vividly portrayed emotions, conveyed through the speech, the sounds or even the body reactions, must be considered by the watchers in order to feel the intended suspense. However, a broader audience located overseas also relies on the translations of such movies to feel the excitement originally planned. This thesis delves into the analysis of the conservation of suspense through the French subtitles of horror movies, taking as its case study the emblematic horrific Scream movies that span over more than 25 years, exploring the depths of the slasher subgenre. This work gathers various pieces of research that discuss the effect of audiovisual translation and of the different translating methods on maintaining given emotions to their original degrees. This corpus-based study comes as one of the few works that were published on the topic of horror translation, exploring the diverse emotions experienced when reading translated subtitles and the challenges it brings for the translators hopelessly in search for the most faithful translation possible. In all, techniques such as compensation, non-subtitling or adaptation try to replicate the original suspense, whether it be successfully or not.
- Format
- Document PDF
- Entrepôt d'origine
- Identifiant
- unilim-ori-130453
- Identifiant Sudoc info : Riche d\u0027environ 10 millions de références bibliographiques (monographies, thèses, publications en série et autres types de documents), le catalogue Sudoc permet de localiser les documents possédés par les bibliothèques des universités françaises et autres établissements de l\u0027enseignement supérieur et de la recherche participant au réseau Sudoc. S\u0027y ajoute le recensement des collections de publications en série d\u0027environ 2400 autres centres documentaires français.
- 281148066
- Identifiant Unilim
- M-LMIT11-2024-003
Pour citer ce document
Chammard Robin, The Translation of Suspense in Subtitling : A Case Study of the Horror Franchise "Scream", Mémoire, Limoges, Université de Limoges, 2024. Disponible sur